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Lithium carbonate, Li2CO3

The Lithium carbonate, Li2CO3 is prepared by boiling a solution of a lithium salt with ammonium, sodium, or potassium carbonate, its slight solubility inducing crystallization and facilitating purification. A process for its manufacture from lepidolite has also been devised.

The melting-point of the carbonate is given as 618° C. (Ramsay and Eumorfopoulos), 695° to 699° C. (Carnelley), and 710° C. (Le Chatelier). Its boiling-point is 1200° C., and its density is 2.111. The number of grams of lithium carbonate which dissolve in 100 grams of water at various temperatures is given in the following table, after Bewad -

Temperature, °C 010203040506080100
Grams Li2CO3 in 100 g. H2O. 1.541.251.431.331.

Rothmund gives the solubility at 25° C. as 0.1687 gram-molecules per litre. According to Tschugajev and Chlopin, 100 grams of the saturated solution at 75° C. contain 0.833 gram of the salt, and at 95° C. 0.723 gram. With the exception of the phosphate and fluoride, the carbonate is the most insoluble salt of lithium. The solubility is considerably increased by the presence of carbon dioxide, a solution of lithium hydrogen carbonate being formed. On evaporation of the solution the carbon dioxide is expelled, so that the primary carbonate is decomposed and has not been isolated. Geffcken has studied the influence of other salts on the solubility of the normal carbonate. According to Bewad, the density of the saturated solution at 0° C. is 1.017, and at 15° C. it is 1.014.

When heated below 1000° C. lithium carbonate undergoes partial decomposition into the oxide and carbon dioxide, a resemblance to calcium, but a distinction from sodium and potassium -


The dissociation-pressure has been investigated by Johnston. Heating with charcoal yields the monoxide, sodium carbonate being reduced to the metal by similar treatment. At the temperature of the electric furnace excess of charcoal produces the carbide, an example of the relationship between lithium and calcium.

The heat of formation of the normal carbonate and that of the primary carbonate have been calculated by Muller -

2LiOH,Aq. + CO2,Aq.=Li2CO3,Aq. + 20.4 Cal.;
2LiOH,Aq.+2CO2,Aq.=2LiHCO3,Aq.+22.l Cal.

For the heat of formation of the solid normal carbonate de Forcrand gives the equationsLi2O,Aq.+(CO2)=[Li2CO3]+54.23 Cal.;
2[Li]+(O)+(CO2)=[Li2CO3]+44.20 Cal.

Basic carbonates have been described by Fllickiger, and a double salt with potassium by Le Chatelier.

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