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Lithium chlorate, LiClO3

On evaporation of the solution obtained by mixing aqueous solutions of lithium sulphate and barium chlorate, or by neutralizing chloric acid with lithium carbonate, lithium chlorate separates in needles. According to Potilitzin, the crystals thus obtained have the formula 2LiClO3,H2O, but other investigators state that they consist of the anhydrous salt. Above 270° C. the chlorate decomposes into chloride, perchlorate, and oxygen, in accordance with the equations

4LiClO3 = LiCl+3LiClO4.

Lithium chlorate is more soluble in water than any other inorganic salt, 313.5 grams dissolving in 100 grams of water at 18° C. It is readily soluble in alcohol. Its density at 25° C. is 2.428.

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