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Lithium hydroxide, LiOH

The Lithium hydroxide, LiOH can be prepared from the metal or monoxide by the action of water, or by the interaction of aqueous solutions of barium hydroxide and lithium sulphate. It crystallizes from solution as the hydrate LiOH,H2O, which is converted into the anhydrous substance by heat. The rtionohydrate boils at 181° C. de Forcrand has described several other hydrates.

Lithium hydroxide is a white, crystalline substance, melting unchanged at 445° C. At 780° C. it is converted into the monoxide. Its dissociation-pressure has been investigated by Johnston. The hydroxide is strongly basic, in this and other respects resembling the corresponding derivatives of sodium and potassium. It dissolves in water with evolution of heat, and is somewhat hygroscopic. Its heat of neutralization in dilute solution by hydrochloric acid is given by Thomsen as 13.85 Cal.

Various investigators have studied the properties of lithium hydroxide in dilute solution. The heat of formation of the hydroxide in dilute aqueous solution from the metal and water is 53.2 Cal.; that from its elements and water is given by the equation

[Li]+(O)+(H) + Aq. =LiOH,Aq. + 121.5 Cal.

Since the heat of solution of the hydroxide is 4.5 Cal., the expression for the heat of formation becomes

[Li]+(O)+(H)=[LiOH] + 117.0 Cal.

For the action of water on the monoxide the heat of formation of the solid hydroxide is given by the equation

[Li2O] +H2O =2[LiOH]+22.2 Cal.

The heat of neutralization of the hydroxide by mineral acids has been investigated by Richards and Rowe.

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