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Lithium orthophosphate, Li3PO4

The orthophosphate is precipitated by addition of a soluble phosphate to a boiling solution of a lithium salt, the formula of the product according to Mayer being 2Li3PO4,H2O. The dihydrate, Li3PO4,2H2O, is also known, and at 60° C. is slowly transformed into the semihydrate. Crystallization of the semihydrate from fused lithium chloride yields the anhydrous salt in crystals melting about 857° C., and with the density 2.41 at 15° C. The crystalline anhydrous salt is also obtained by fusing lithium carbonate with potassium phosphate. At 25° C. one litre of water dissolves 0.297 gram of Li3PO4.

Dilithium hydrogen phosphate has not been isolated, but Rammelsberg prepared lithium dihydrogen phosphate, LiH2PO4, by concentration of an acid solution containing lithium and phosphoric acid. The hygroscopic salt dissolves readily in water, and is converted at 200° to 250° C. into the glass-like metaphosphate, LiPO3. On slow evaporation, phosphoric-acid solutions of the dihydrogen phosphate yield deliquescent crystals of the acid phosphate, LiH2PO4,H3PO4,H2O.

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